
Organized by


* 4 stock, 8:00 minute timer
* Items OFF
* Ties after the time limit are determined by stocks, then by percentage.
* Best of 3 until Winners/Losers/Grand Finals, then it becomes best of 5
* 1 stage ban until best of 5 then no stage bans.
* Wobbling is LEGAL
* Stalling with Jigglypuff's Rising Pound or Peach's Wall Bomber is banned.
* Glitches such as Ice Climbers' Freeze Glitch, Mewtwo's Soul Stunner, and using Master Hand are banned.
* Dave's Stupid Rule enabled.
* Stalling is banned. Stalling is defined as the act of deliberately avoiding any and all conflict. Running away from an opponent to reach a better position is not stalling, while endlessly grabbing the ledge or flying underneath the stage is.
*In the event pause is left on and is pressed, immediately call over the TO. Based upon the TO's judgment, the situation will be resolved. Punishment may range from nothing, a warning, free attack (will be chosen by the TO and will be character specific), loss of stock/match/set or ejection from venue


Yoshi's Story
Final Destination
Fountain of Dreams

Counter pick
Pokemon Stadium

This bracket is a preview and subject to change until the tournament is started.

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